Friday, January 2, 2009

Yes it snowed in Apple Valley!

We had a crazy snow storm right before we went out of town! Kayla got out of school early and the kids had a great time playing in the snow! It was really cold outside but it sure made things look beautiful!

Joe and the kids went on a sled, ate snow and made snow angels. It didn't last very long, for they all got really cold really fast!

Here were the kids with Joey and Aaron Wheeler making a sad looking snowman,(yes I helped, probably why it looks so sad) It had arms out of utensils and a sucker for a nose. I think the kids liked him anyway.

I thought our tree looked so pretty with all of the snow on it! I also loved the rose with the Icicles the next morning, it looked amazing!


Amber, Dan, and Fam said...

We loved having you guys come visit. I can't believe all that snow!

I just joined Good Reads. Send me your e-mail and I will send you an invite. :)

BTW I bought Poison Study. Now I'm just waiting for it to get to me, so I can read it. I am looking forward to it.

Mark said...

It's look amazing and beautiful. we miss you guys

WheelersSix said...

Doesn't the A.V. look so much prettier covered in snow? LOL It really was gorgeous for a couple of days! :) Cool Rose pic BTW.