Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kayla lost her first tooth!

What an exciting time for Kayla, finally after turning 61/2 and seeing friends much younger than her lose teeth she has lost one! What a miracle it is. She even pulled the tooth out herself! We were so proud and excited. Oh no, another sign that she is growing up and is no longer my baby.


WheelersSix said...

She pulled it herself? That IS brave! This is when the kids start looking funny though isn't it? Joey's teeth are just dangling everywhere! LOL

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Good job Kayla!!!

Lovio Fam said...

She is getting so big, and beautiful! I would kill for freckles like those.

Mark said...

How fun ! Kelsey pulled her first loose tooth out too but the second one she did't want to pull it out, kids are silly. Her hairs so cute, good job Kayla !

Unknown said...

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