Monday, February 9, 2009

Kids say the funniest things!

I Just had to post some funny things that my kids have said. Sometimes I don't know where they hear it but it sure makes me laugh and enjoy being around them. One time we were at Disneyland and Danny looked at us and with his hands in a gun shape said, "Lookin good" We laughed and now it seems that it is a family saying. Jenna was helping me set the table and as she was putting on the plates said, "lookin good" Joe and I had another good chuckle. Jenna the other day, I had made raviolis for dinner and she came out of the kitchen and when I asked her if she ate them she said, "no, don't like them they are gross!" I thought that was so cute. Kayla once when we had decided not to renew our passes and do other things, (we let our kids decide), Kayla saw a commercial for Disneyland and she turned to Danny and said, "Danny I think we made the wrong choice!" It was hilarious. Although I do hear myself in many things Kayla says. She will turn to Danny and say, "stop talking to me your giving me a headache", Or stop annoying me. I get a kick out of my kids. Here is a couple last ones from Jenna, we were driving home from our trip to Oregon and she was crying because she did not get her way. We were just ignoring her until she would stop crying, all of a sudden she shouted, "I'm crying!" Joe and I started cracking up! She also acts like she should tell everyone that they need to be quiet for the prayer, during the prayer. Which means, she is talking and be disruptive also, but it is funny to hear, "shhh it is prayer, be quiet." I love my kids they are very fun and keep me smiling!

Now I tag all my friends with kids to write some of the funny things your kids have said, I know that you have them!


Mark said...

That is So cute. They'll copy whatever you say, you don't know what are they thinking untill they say it or act like you act too How cute.

KaShan said...

that is so cute. I know I have some but I just can't remember...lack of brain cells over